Mobcards is the app to collect all loyalty cards and membership cards in one application on phone and wearable devices like smartwatch or sport watch.

Mobcards consists of two apps: mobile and wearable. Mobile app supports Android phones and tablets and it is fully standalone application. Applications run on wearable devices like sport watches and smartwatches requires mobile app to transfer cards to wearable device and after that it can work standalone (without mobile device).

Wearable devices

The application supports wearable systems like Garmin OS and HUAWEI Harmony OS. To use Mobcards on your watch you have to download it from appropriate apps store for wearable apps.

Mobcards app runs on HUAWEI Harmony OS powered sport watches and smartwatches.
Mobcards app runs on GARMIN powered smartwatch.

Help and FAQ

We provide a page with tech information for our users about usage Mobcards app on mobile and wearable devices.


Download Mobcards from Google Play Store or HUAWEI AppGallery if you need only app for your phone/tablet. If you are going to use Mobcards on your smartwatch download the app from apps store appropriate for your watch.

Get mobile app

Mobcards for Android phones and tablets. This version handles both Garmin and Huawei watches.
Mobcards for Android phones and tablets. This version supports only Huawei watches.

Get wearable app

Mobcards on Garmin OS watches.
Mobcards for HUAWEI Harmony OS watches you have to download by app HUAWEI Health / AppGallery.