Free version allows to familiar with this app and test it on your watch. We tested the app on a few watches but we were not able to test it on each device available on the market. We strongly recommend to upgrade app to premium (full) version in case you want to use it for longer time, with full functionality and much more conveniently.
The application works only on watches with built-in GPS chipset. Technically the app can use GPS data from paired phone (it is handled by system automatically) but it makes no sense to use this app with phone. You should rely only on your watch in the terrain.
FREE version limitations:
1. Missing saving added waypoints (targets). You can add waypoints as much as you want but they exist as long as the application is running.
2. Waypoints are deleted from device memory after 45 minutes automatically.
3. Not available options in settings view:
– enable imperial units (mile/feet)
– turn off sun position
– turn on time format for sun times
– turn off details on navigation view
– turn off radar animation on navigation view
4. Missing option to show details about target by click on red point or left button (not visible).
5. Premium button is shown every N minutes to encourage user to upgrade to premium version.
6. Not available changing speed/distance unit after click on distance/speed icons/values.
7. Missing speedometer section.
The full version will be strongly developed with new options. Both versions will be optimized and reported bugs will be fixed.
How to get full version (Premium)
Inside the app use swipe gesture UP to open settings view and at the top click „Upgrade to Premium”. Or wait a few minutes for appearing button like that on compass view and click it. Purchase process needs connection to the Internet network. Make sure your are connected to your paired phone and your phone has an access to the Internet. Purchase process will be continued on your phone. Just follow messages. After upgrade to the premium version the app doesn’t need anymore an access to the Internet or phone. With premium version you got a full access to all functions, new options which will be added soon and our tech support.
You can download FREE version of this application for your watch from Google Play store.