How to install Camera Opus?
Follow below steps:
- Install Camera Opus for your Garmin watch from Garmin Connect IQ Store here https://apps.garmin.com/en-US/apps/8d9d1547-0ad7-4ffd-81b5-b32fa1c5beaf.
- Install Camera Opus companion app for your phone from Google Play Store here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pl.mobimax.cameraopus
- [optional] Install Garmin Mobile Connect app for you phone from Google Play Store here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.garmin.android.apps.connectmobile
- After installation all, you must launch Camera Opus on your phone at least one time. The app must start a service to detect connection from Garmin watch app.
- [optional] On phone app go settings and check option 'Show connection messages’ for Garmin watch. It will show connection errors if occur any. It is recommended when you start app first time. It helps to find problems.
How to connect watch and phone app to get good connection?
You must enable Bluetooth both on watch and phone side. Launch Camera Opus on phone side, launch Camera Opus on watch side. You should see connection message if everything went correct.
I enabled Bluetooth but I can see message: Connection timeout. Enable Bluetooth … What is wrong?
After installation Camera Opus you must launch it from the phone’s launchpad one time at least to start connectivity service. After that you will be able to start phone camera app direct from watch automatically, even when phone display is dimmed or locked.
How can I see camera preview from phone on my watch?
Camera preview is not downloaded automatically from phone app. You have to click in the center of the screen to download the last camera view. We don’t do that automatically because communication engine on Garmin watches is very limited and is not appropriate to download huge amount of data like a picture is.
I tapped the center on the screen to download camera preview but I can’t see anything, only error message.
This function works correct only if you use Bluetooth connection. You must turn off Wifi and mobile data connections for this time.. NOTE: since ver. 1.0.9 Camera Opus uses as default proxy server to download camera preview image – you don’t have to turn off WIFI and mobile data anymore. However, if you don’t have an access to network you can continue using Bluetooth connection to get cam. preview – for example: in the forest, on the beach etc. Go into app settings on Garmin app/Camera Opus/Settings and turn off 'Use proxy server…’ option. It forces watch app to use Bluetooth but then turn off Wifi and mobile data even they are not connected to any network.
How to make camera preview showing on full-screen?
Since version 1.0.9 you can show camera preview on full-screen. However, this function is disabled as default. You must open Garmin app/Apps store/Camera Opus/Settings and enable 'Show full-screen’ option. Please note: this function might cause crash on watch with low amount of memory. You must test it on your watch yourself. If it hangs/exit the app after click on download camera preview, you have to back Settings and disable this function. Full-screen image takes a lot of watch memory and it causes crash the app on older Garmin watches – insufficient memory size. Note: in case getting camera preview via Bluetooth we don’t guarantee you get full-screen image on your watch. In this case Garmin engine reduces an image size to send it faster via Bluetooth BLE to Camera Opus app. Bluetooth BLE is very slow on Garmin watches (below 1KB/s). We can’t control it.
How to change capture image delay?
There are 2 ways. 1. Open Camera Opus on your watch and swipe from right to left to change time delay for image capture function (touch watches). 2. Open Camera Opus settings on phone and change time delay there (touch and buttons watches). You can change in range 3 – 15 seconds delay.
How do disable Camera Opus service on phone app?
Background service on phone app waits for connection from your Garmin watch. It takes a little battery power but if don’t use Camera Opus on your watch you can disable it for good. Open notifications bar and look for 'Camera Opus Service (Garmin Watch)’ and click Close. You can do the same in phone settings / Apps / Camera Opus.
How works motion detection?
Motion detection engine analyses camera preview and triggers alert (visual, audio and vibration effects) after detecting movement. After detection it pauses for 1 minute (probably will be configurable soon) and again looks for movements. You can set sensor sensitivity in Camera Opus phone app in settings view or on watch side (only selected systems like Wear OS or Harmony OS).
You can track the last news about Camera Opus by our Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/mobimaxpl
Download Camera Opus (watch) from Garmin Connect IQ Store:
Download Camera Opus, companion app, from Google Play Store: