To use Camera Opus on smartwatch you must also install the companion app on your phone. Download it from AppGallery for free.
I installed app on my watch and it shows message which prompt me to install phone app. From where to get it?
You have to install phone application from AppGallery store. Otherwise it will not work. Camera Opus on watch shows view from camera on your phone and allows control your phone camera.
I installed Camera Opus on my phone and launch app on watch and it still doesn’t work. Shows message „Not Connected”. What is wrong?
After installation Camera Opus on your phone you have to launch it one time at least to start background service. You have to that also after restarting your phone. And make sure Bluetooth is enabled on watch and phone.
I installed and launched both apps, enabled Bluetooth and it says No connection. What to do?
Usually both devices connect each other automatically.. Sometimes not. Then open HUAWEI Health application. Go to section Devices and check whether your watch is connected to your phone. Devices must be connected before start any communication.
Phone app can’t start from background. It shows 'Connected to watch’ app but I can’t see camera view.
If you phone run Android 10+ you must enabled permission 'Display over other apps’ in Android: Settings / Apps / Camera Opus / Advanced. Since Android 10 user must do that manually. You will not see a permission dialog after opening app first time. It is very important permission. Without that you will not able to start Camera Opus from background. You will see Connected on watch app but you will have no access to phone camera.
What smartwatches are supported?
Camera Opus works on HUAWEI Watch 3 (all variants), HUAWEI Watch GT 3 / PRO, Runner and Watch Fit 2. The list of compatible smartwatches will be extend for new smartwatches if come any.
How to scan QR/bar codes with Camera Opus?
Launch Camera Opus and click on bottom icon with scanning symbol. When your are ready click SCAN NOW button. It uses Scan Kit library and scan for all QR and bar codes. Result you can share, copy to clipboard, add a new contact or calendar event, add new WIFI network or just read SMS text from friend. If your watch is connected you can send result to watch.
How much power background service takes from my phone battery?
Not too much. It listens to your paired watch and do nothing more. Always you can turn off background service in app’s settings if you no use application for long time. Please note: after that you phone app will not able to connect to watch and start camera view automatically. You will have to launch phone app manually before start watch app.
Can I use Camera Opus on phone like built-in camera?
Yes, it takes pictures and record videos like your built-in camera. Picture and video quality is optimized by phone in order to get best result.
Phone apps shows message „Scope unauthorized„. Can’t connect to watch app.
This error means that Health app has no access to server and can’t download authorization data for Camera Opus. Enable an access to Internet and start Health app. Connect your watch to phone by this app. Check for new upgrade for Health app.
Why camera preview on my Watch GT 3 is not full-screen?
Camera preview covers only part of the display because technical limitations on this platform. Please remember, Watch GT 3 is a sport watch, not a smartwatch. That’s why it has tech limitations. However, we will try to make this preview bigger if possible soon, together with tech upgrades from HUAWEI. UPGRADE: since version 1.0.12 Camera Opus for GT 3/PRO/Runner/SE will support full-screen camera view. Find more on our Facebook site.
I open watch app but it doesn’t launch phone app. Bluetooth connection is enabled for both devices.
In case some phones like Huawei or Xiaomi you have to allow Camera Opus to ignore power restrictions. On your phone go Settings / Apps / Camera Opus / find 'Power/Battery usage details’, 'Launch settings’ and turn off option 'Manage automatically’. Now you can put you phone in distance Bluetooth range, turn off phone screen, open Camera Opus app on watch and it opens CO on phone. IMPORTANT: after every phone restart you must launch Camera Opus from an icon just one time in order to start background service. Otherwise you will be not able to start phone app from background.
Download Camera Opus companion app for phone from AppGallery.