Camera Opus allows to control all camera functions from board of Fitbit smartwatch. To use this app you have to install companion app on your phone. Install Camera Opus app on phone from Google Play Store. We don’t have companion app for iOS/iPhone users because we don’t support this mobile system 🙁

Camera Opus supports Fitbit watches like: Iconic, Versa, Versa 2, Versa Lite, Sense and Versa 3.

How to start?

  • Install Camera Opus app on your phone from Google Play Store
  • VERY IMPORTANT: Open Camera Opus on your phone and click settings icon (top-right), then check option 'Detect Fitbit watch’
  • Install Camera Opus from Fitbit Apps Gallery on your watch
  • Enable Bluetooth connection both for phone and watch
  • Open Fitbit app at least one time after turn on/restart phone. Fitbit app starts internal services for other apps. Otherwise you will see „Waiting for connection.. ” message forever
  • Now Open Camera Opus on your watch


I can see message 'Waiting for connection…” for longer time and nothing happens. What to do?

Check all points from section 'How to start?’. If still can’t connect watch to phone app, open Fitbit app and check if your watch is connected to phone. Optionally restart your watch. Sometimes companion app installed on Fitbit app is not connected to app on watch. It is not managed by Camera Opus app itself but only by Fitbit engine.

No connection. I can see message: 'Not connected to companion app. Try restart app…’.

Make sure your watch is connected to phone. Open Fitbit app and check connection for you smartwatch. Sometimes connection between companion app and watch is closed or not started correctly. Restart connection between watch and phone or restart watch or just wait a minute and then start Camera Opus on watch once again.

I can’t see camera preview on my watch. What to do?

Camera preview is not downloaded on watch app automatically. You have to click an icon in the center of the view. After a while camera preview will be shown on watch in full-screen mode. You can hide camera tools to see details by swipe down gesture. In free version downloads are limited.

How to buy premium version?

Free version doesn’t allow to use all available features that’s why we encourage to extend app to premium version. Before you decide to buy premium version make sure connection between your watch and phone work correct and available functions in free version work as you expected. Don’t buy in hurry. You can check premium functions by phone app like torch, zoom and so on. You can download camera preview on watch at least one time. When you decide to buy premium version, open Camera Opus on phone, find section 'Watch’ at bottom of the screen and click button 'Buy premium’.

I launch Camera Opus on my Fitbit watch but phone app not started automatically. How to fix it?

Since Android 10+ user must grant special permission which allow to start app from background. Note: you will be not asked about this permission at installation the app. You must open Android settings and go Apps / Camera Opus / Advanced and enable option ’Allow display app over other’. Note: after each restart your phone you must launch Camera Opus on phone at least one time. Just open app and exit. It starts background service which listen to connection from watch app.

I have support question. I found a bug on my watch/phone app or have an idea how to improve app on my Fitbit watch.

You are always very welcome with found bugs or new ideas. In case phone app open settings and click 'Send bug report to developer’ if you found bug or 'Send email to developer’ if you have a new idea. You can contact us direct at '’ and always put your watch model.

What languages are supported?

Camera Opus on Fitbit watch supports English at start. Other languages will be added with new upgrades. If you want to have own language in app and have some experience with apps you can make translation on yourself. Just contact us. There are about 25 short lines to translate. Supported languages by Fitbit watch (selected supported by the app):

de-DE (German)
es-ES (Spanish)
it-IT (Italian)
ja-JP (Japanese)
pt-BR (Portuguese)
id-ID (Indonesian)
ro-RO (Romanian)
ru-RU (Russian)
pl-PL (Polish)
cs-CZ (Czech)

Motion detection. How it works?

This feature works on phone side. By watch app you can turn it on or off. Phone app sends alert to watch app after detecting any movement in camera preview. Your watch will show visual and vibration effects. After alert phone app pauses motion detection for one minutes. You can change sensitivity by phone app / settings.

Download apps

Download Camera Opus on your watch from Fitbit Apps Gallery To install watch app you have to open Fitbit app, choose your watch then go Gallery -> Apps.

Download Camera Opus on your Android phone/tablet from Google Play Store