When you lost in forest/mountains or in crowded city, when you travel, climbing or fishing, save your position like parked car, shelter or hotel, and then navigate back following the guiding arrow.

The application shows direction you should walk to get the target position like your home, hotel or parked car. Additionally, it says how far your are from the target and what is your walking/biking speed.

If you don’t want to navigate you can use this app just like a compass for Wear OS. The app supports magnetometer sensor and use it as default. If your watch doesn’t support magnetometer sensor the app will use GPS to calculate bearing. In case GPS you must move in order to calculate bearing changing.

IMPORTANT! The app is intended to use outdoor on Wear OS smartwatches. Navigation will NOT work in a building because of low GPS signal from satellites and it makes no sense to use app like that at home.


  • Navigation to target waypoint with compass heading.
  • Displays distance between start and end point in meters, km, miles.
  • Displays walking speed in km/h, mi/h, knots.
  • Displays altitude in meters or feets.
  • Displays GPS details.
  • Displays sunrise and sunset times.
  • Displays sun position on the sky.
  • Displays decimal and UTM coordinates.
  • Traditional compass function.
  • Works offline.
  • Simple and intuitive UI.
  • Battery friendly UI.

The application works offline. It doesn’t use Internet connection.

It doesn’t use any maps. You navigate using compass heading.

It is fully standalone app. It uses GPS and compass sensor built-in your watch. You don’t need your phone to use this app.

Compass Navigation supports smartwatches with Wear OS OS 2.1+ on the board. The app requires built-in GPS chipset in a watch. Magnetometer (magnetic field) sensor is not required but very welcome for better bearing calculation. In case devices without magnetic field sensor the app uses GPS.

System requirements

  • Wear OS 2.1+ (recommended Wear OS 3+)
  • recommended built-in GPS chipset
  • magnetometer sensor (optionally)

Battery friendly

Compass Navigation uses GPS and magnetometer (if available) sensors only when the app works on foreground. It means is visible. If you don’t navigate or don’t need navigation for some period of time we recommend to put the app in the background. Just go to watch face screen by HW Menu button/gesture. The app after entering in the background mode turns off all sensors and calculations.

If you want to save battery life during navigation you can turn off magnetometer sensor and rely only on GPS calculations. GPS does the same job as magnetometer. It means show direction you walk but GPS works slower and needs you to walk.

Use GPS sensor in a car

In a car or any vehicle we recommend to switch to GPS sensor instead using magnetic field (magnetometer) senor because this sensor is not reliable when you not walking and might show incorrect bearing. Just disable 'Use magnetic field sensor’ on settings views.

Permissions and sensors

Compass Navigation requires Location permission to work correct. GPS signal from satellites is used to calculate your current position, distance and speed to target called waypoint. Without Location permission application can’t work. Additionally, GPS can be used to calculate your walking direction (heading) according to geographical North. Then it works like a compass. As default the app uses magnetometer for compass calculations but in case a watch doesn’t support compass sensor (magnetometer) GPS will be used for all calculations. Even your watch supports compass sensor you can turn it off to save battery life and relay only on GPS signal from satellites. This solution has one drawback: you must walk to get fresh heading value.


Press materials

Below you find graphics, banners and screenshots for phone and watch version. ZIP archive must be unzipped to any folder.

FREE version limitations

Distribution by Google Play is free for all users. Free version has some functionality limitations. We recommend to upgrade free version to full version to have all functions unlocked and get all new options in the future.

Free version limits

Compass Navigation is available by Google Play store. Soon by Samsung Apps store too.