Voice Recorder Companion

Sending files from one device to other sometimes needs more attention. Both devices must be connected by Bluetooth or Wifi in order to see each other. Usually it works great but sometimes not. The guide below should help you to find solution in case any connection troubles.

Transfer audio files by Wear Engine

I chose tab Wear Engine on my phone and try to send recording file by option 'Send by WE’ on my watch but nothing happens. What is wrong?

Wear Engine works only for watch paired with phone by HUAWEI Health app. This app you have to install to configure your new watch. WE is part of HMS services. WE uses Bluetooth to send messages and files. You must turn on Bluetooth before start.

Transfer audio files by MFT IP Tool

Can’t send my audio recording from watch to my phone. What is wrong?

Make sure you provided correct ip address for phone on watch settings for IP Tool. Both devices watch and phone must be connected to the same Wifi network.

How can I get ip address for my phone?

Turn on Wifi on your phone. Connect to the same Wifi network as your watch. Run Voice Recorder Companion. Switch to MFT IP Tool. IP address will be shown at top of screen at label 'My IP’.

I put correct ip address for my phone and watch and phone work in my home Wifi network but still can’t send files to my phone. I can see an error message on my watch. I tried a few times. What should I do?

On some phones connection between watch and phone might be unstable and you will be not able to connect to phone right away even you provide correct ip address. It doesn’t depends on app on watch or phone. Solution: try to reset Wifi connection on phone. Just turn off for a moment and turn on again.

I sent my recordings witch success, exited connection screen on my watch and want to send other files but I got an error message. Why it doesn’t work now?

After exiting connection view on watch you disconnect from phone app. You should see message 'Disconnected’. To connect again you must restart connection server on phone. Just turn to tab Wear Engine and back to MTF IP Plugin. The server will be restarted. Now you can choose files on watch and send them to phone.

Do I need to pair my watch with phone to use file transfer by MFT IP Tool?

No, you don’t. It can by any phone or tablet with Wifi connected to the same network as your watch.

Why Voice Recorder Companion app requires Internet permission?

That permission is required only to send data by Wifi channel.

What’s the biggest advantage of using MTF IP Tool over Wear Engine?

It can be any phone or tablet and don’t have to be paired with watch. For example: you can record a lecture or a business speech and then send it to phone friend of yours.

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